Boeken over Boeken #3 : bibliotheken

Deze blogpost stond al enkele jaren tussen mijn concepten. De reden dat ik het steeds voor me uitschoof was omdat ik al een vermoeden had dat dit een beetje uit de hand kon lopen. Wat dat betreft had ik helemaal gelijk. In plaats van een cover -of titelpost wilde ik het een keer hebben over boeken waarin boeken centraal staan. Boeken over boeken dus én wat zijn er daar veel van. Alle boeken vermelden die hiervoor in aanmerking komen is dus sowieso een mission impossible. Blijkbaar leek zelfs een beperkte selectie te omvangrijk om in één blogpost te delen.

Dus krijgen jullie de komende weken verschillende van dit soort lijstjes voorgeschoteld. Eerder kregen jullie het eerste lijstje al te zien, vervolgens volgde er één waarin boekenwinkels centraal stonden en vandaag is het de beurt aan boekcovers en/of titels waarin bibliotheken de hoofdrol voor rekening nemen.

De volledige serie zal vermoedelijk 8 blogposts bevatten. Ik waarschuw jullie bij deze alvast dat mijn boekenwenslijst tijdens het samenstellen van deze lijstjes behoorlijk is aangegroeid en dat ik niet aansprakelijk ben indien jullie hetzelfde overkomt.

Middernacht bibliotheek – Matt Haig

Nora wordt overweldigd door het gevoel dat ze in haar leven verkeerde keuzes heeft gemaakt, en iedereen teleurstelt. Wanneer ze in de Middernachtbibliotheek terechtkomt, een plek tussen leven en dood, krijgt ze de kans om te zien op welke vele manieren haar leven anders had kunnen verlopen. Elk boek dat ze openslaat neemt haar mee naar een ander leven: waarin ze Olympisch zwemkampioen is, wél bij haar ex is gebleven of haar droom om gletsjeronderzoeker te worden daadwerkelijk heeft waargemaakt. In elk bestaan probeert ze haar weg te vinden. Terwijl ze door de Middernachtbibliotheek struint moet ze de ultieme vraag onder ogen komen: wat maakt het leven de moeite waard?

The Last Library – Freya Sampson

Library assistant June knows a lot about the regulars at Chalcot Library, yet they know very little about her. When her mum – the beloved local librarian – passed away eight years ago, June stepped into her shoes. But despite their shared love of books, shy June has never felt she can live up to the village’s memory of her mum. Instead, she’s retreated into herself and her memories, surviving on Chinese takeaways-for-one and rereading their favourite books at home.

When the library is threatened with closure, a ragtag band of eccentric locals establish the Friends of Chalcot Library campaign. There’s gentlemanly pensioner Stanley, who visits the library for the computers and the crosswords, cantankerous Mrs B, who is yet to find a book she approves of, and teenager Chantal, who just wants a quiet place to study away from home. But can they compel reclusive June to join their cause?

If June wants to save the library, she finally has to make some changes to her life: opening up her heart to friendship, opportunities and maybe even more . . .

The library of the unwritten – A.J.Hackwith

Many years ago, Claire was named Head Librarian of the Unwritten Wing– a neutral space in Hell where all the stories unfinished by their authors reside. Her job consists mainly of repairing and organizing books, but also of keeping an eye on restless stories that risk materializing as characters and escaping the library. When a Hero escapes from his book and goes in search of his author, Claire must track and capture him with the help of former muse and current assistant Brevity and nervous demon courier Leto.

But what should have been a simple retrieval goes horrifyingly wrong when the terrifyingly angelic Ramiel attacks them, convinced that they hold the Devil’s Bible. The text of the Devil’s Bible is a powerful weapon in the power struggle between Heaven and Hell, so it falls to the librarians to find a book with the power to reshape the boundaries between Heaven, Hell….and Earth.

The Invisible Library – Genevieve Cogman

Irene is a professional spy for the mysterious Library, which harvests fiction from different realities. And along with her enigmatic assistant Kai, she’s posted to an alternative London. Their mission – to retrieve a dangerous book. But when they arrive, it’s already been stolen. London’s underground factions seem prepared to fight to the very death to find her book.

Adding to the jeopardy, this world is chaos-infested – the laws of nature bent to allow supernatural creatures and unpredictable magic. Irene’s new assistant is also hiding secrets of his own.

Soon, she’s up to her eyebrows in a heady mix of danger, clues and secret societies. Yet failure is not an option – the nature of reality itself is at stake.

Summer Hours at the Robbers Library – Sue Halpern

People are drawn to libraries for all kinds of reasons. Most come for the books themselves, of course; some come to borrow companionship. For head librarian Kit, the public library in Riverton, New Hampshire, offers what she craves most: peace. Here, no one expects Kit to talk about the calamitous events that catapulted her out of what she thought was a settled, suburban life. She can simply submerge herself in her beloved books and try to forget her problems.

But that changes when fifteen-year-old, home-schooled Sunny gets arrested for shoplifting a dictionary. The judge throws the book at Sunny–literally–assigning her to do community service at the library for the summer. Bright, curious, and eager to connect with someone other than her off-the-grid hippie parents, Sunny coaxes Kit out of her self-imposed isolation. They’re joined by Rusty, a Wall Street high-flyer suddenly crashed to earth.

In this little library that has become the heart of this small town, Kit, Sunny, and Rusty are drawn to each other, and to a cast of other offbeat regulars. As they come to terms with how their lives have unraveled, they also discover how they might knit them together again and finally reclaim their stories.

The Library of Lost and found – Phaedra Patrick

Librarian Martha Storm has always found it easier to connect with books than people, though not for lack of trying. She keeps careful lists of how to help others in her notebook. And yet, sometimes it feels like she’s invisible.
All of that changes when a mysterious book arrives on her doorstep. Inside, Martha finds a dedication written to her by her grandmother Zelda, who died under mysterious circumstances years earlier. When Martha discovers a clue within the book that her grandmother may still be alive, she becomes determined to discover the truth. As she delves deeper into Zelda’s past, she unwittingly reveals a family secret that will change her life forever.

The library at the edge of the world – Felicity Hayes-McCoy

Local librarian Hanna Casey is wondering where it all went wrong …
Driving her mobile library van through Finfarran’s farms and villages, she tries not to think of the sophisticated London life she abandoned when she left her cheating husband. Or that she’s now stuck in her crotchety mum’s spare bedroom.

With her daughter Jazz travelling the world and her relationship with her mother growing increasingly fraught, Hanna decides to reclaim her independence.

Then, when the threatened closure of her library puts her plans in jeopardy, she finds herself leading a battle to restore the heart and soul of the fragmented community.
Will she also find the new life she’s been searching for?

The Last Chance Library – Freya Sampson

Lonely librarian June Jones has never left the sleepy English village where she grew up. Shy and reclusive, the thirty-year-old would rather spend her time buried in books than venture out into the world. But when her library is threatened with closure, June is forced to emerge from behind the shelves to save the heart of her community and the place that holds the dearest memories of her mother.

Joining a band of eccentric yet dedicated locals in a campaign to keep the library, June opens herself up to other people for the first time since her mother died. It just so happens that her old school friend Alex Chen is back in town and willing to lend a helping hand. The kindhearted lawyer’s feelings for her are obvious to everyone but June, who won’t believe that anyone could ever care for her in that way.

To save the place and the books that mean so much to her, June must finally make some changes to her life. For once, she’s determined not to go down without a fight. And maybe, in fighting for her cherished library, June can save herself, too.

The Archived – Victoria Schwab

Each body has a story to tell, a life seen in pictures only Librarians can read. The dead are called Histories, and the vast realm in which they rest is the Archive. Da first brought Mackenzie Bishop four years ago, when she was twelve years old, frightened but determined to prove herself. Now Da is dead, and Mac has grown into what he once was: a ruthless Keeper, tasked with stopping often-violent Histories from waking up and getting out. Because of her job, she lies to the people she loves, and she knows fear for what it is: a useful tool for staying alive.

Being a Keeper isn’t just dangerous – it’s a constant reminder of those Mac has lost. Da’s death was hard enough, but now that her little brother is gone too, Mac starts to wonder about the boundary between living and dying, sleeping and waking. In The Archive, the dead must never be disturbed. And yet, someone is deliberately altering Histories, erasing essential chapters. Unless Mac can piece together what remains, the Archive itself may crumble and fall.

The Underworld Library – Laura Bickle

The Great Library contains the most deadly magic tomes penned since the beginning of time. This magic is both wondrous and terrible, kept under lock and key by witch-librarians serving the king of the Underworld.

Eve is one of those faithful librarians. She doesn’t recall her life prior to the Hellbrary, and unlike her fellow Hellbrarians, she has very little magic to speak of. When a dangerous book is stolen, she must recover it with the help of a Gorgon librarian, a hellhound, and a mysterious shapeshifting royal envoy. This daemon, Azarr, has a serpent tongue and the heart of a man – can he be trusted?

King Caldrius’s court has fallen under siege. Caldrius’s cruel son, Ral, has returned from exile with an army to assassinate his father. But his father’s crown alone does not guarantee Ral the throne. He needs the library, and he will take it by force. His ambitions don’t end with the Hellbrary – he means to take Earth and the Heavens beyond.

Eve knows there’s only one way to defeat Ral: they must use the recovered book to awaken the Queen of the Witches. Caldrius imprisoned Viridia millennia ago when she grew too powerful to control. Then, he offered the witches a choice: serve him or die. They served, until now…but will awakening Viridia summon an evil greater than Ral?

Time is running out, and all the forces the Underworld must unite to wage war for the library and control of all of existence.

The Forbidden Library – Django Wexler

Alice always thought fairy tales had happy endings. That—along with everything else—changed the day she met her first fairy.
When Alice’s father disappears in a shipwreck, she is sent to live with her uncle Geryon—an uncle she’s never heard of and knows nothing about. He lives in an enormous manor with a massive library that is off-limits to Alice. But then she meets a talking cat. And, even for a rule-follower, when a talking cat sneaks you into a forbidden library and introduces you to an arrogant boy who dares you to open a book, it’s hard to resist. Especially if you’re a reader to begin with. Soon Alice finds herself INSIDE the book, and the only way out is to defeat the creature imprisoned within.

It seems Uncle Geryon is more than he says he is. But then, so is Alice.

Moord in de bibliotheek – Agatha Christie

Op een ochtend wordt in de bibliotheek van een keurige familie het lijk gevonden van een meisje. Ze is gewurgd. Geen wonder dat het hele dorp in opschudding is. De politie komt al snel met een verdachte aan, maar Miss Marple vermoedt dat de zaak heel anders in elkaar zit dan de politie denkt.

De bibliotheek van Parijs – Janet Skeslien Charles

Parijs 1939: De ambitieuze Odile Souchet is net begonnen aan haar droombaan bij de Amerikaanse bibliotheek in Parijs. Wanneer de nazi’s de lichtstad bezetten verandert alles van de ene op de andere dag. De bibliotheek blijft open, maar de Joodse bezoekers zijn niet meer welkom. Odile en haar collega’s riskeren hun leven door hun Joodse abonnees zelf de boeken te brengen. Maar wanneer Odile ontdekt dat haar vader, een politieman, nauw betrokken is bij het handhaven van het naziregime, raakt zij in een groot persoonlijk conflict. Heeft zij de moed om de juiste keuzes maken?

De verborgen bibliotheek – A.M.Dean

Professor Holmstrand wordt neergeschoten in zijn kantoor. Met zijn laatste krachten scheurt hij drie pagina’s uit een boek en weet ze te verbranden. De volgende dag ontvangt professor Emily Wess een brief van haar oude mentor Holmstrand met daarin een reeks cryptische aanwijzingen voor de locatie van ‘De verborgen bibliotheek van Alexandrië’. Hierin liggen documenten verborgen die degene die ze in handen krijgt, wereldmacht zullen verschaffen.

Voor Emily dringt de tijd want ze is niet de enige die de locatie wil achterhalen. Ook een geheim en zeer invloedrijk kerkgenootschap heeft er belang bij de locatie van ‘De verborgen bibliotheek van Alexandrië’ en daarmee de kennis zo snel mogelijk te vinden. En daartoe zijn ze tot alles bereid…

Twee katten in de bibliotheek – Jan Louch

Jan Louch, bibliothecaresse in Nevada, neemt twee Schotse vouwoorkatten in dienst om de muizen te bestrijden. Ze noemt hen Baker en Taylor. De boekengroothandel Baker & Taylor, waar de katten naar zijn vernoemd, maakt foto’s van hen voor een promotieposter. Daardoor worden Baker en Taylor wereldberoemd.

Baker & Taylor is het eerbetoon aan deze charmante, hardwerkende katten die voor altijd hun pootafdrukken achterlieten in de harten van alle mensen die hen liefhadden.

Als dit boek je aanspreekt dan vind je Dewey, de bibliotheekkat van Vicki Myron en Bret Witter waarschijnlijk ook leuk. 😉

The library of the dead – T.L.Huchu

Ropa dropped out of school to become a ghostalker – and she now speaks to Edinburgh’s dead, carrying messages to the living. A girl’s gotta earn a living, and it seems harmless enough. Until, that is, the dead whisper that someone’s bewitching children – leaving them husks, empty of joy and life. It’s on Ropa’s patch, so she feels honour bound to investigate. But what she learns will change her world.

She’ll dice with death (not part of her life plan . . .) as she calls on Zimbabwean magic and Scottish pragmatism to hunt down clues. For Edinburgh hides a wealth of secrets. And in the process, she discovers an occult library and some unexpected allies. Yet as shadows lengthen, will the hunter become the hunted?

Death Overdue – The Haunted Library Mystery #1 – serie van Allison Brook

Carrie Singleton is just about done with Clover Ridge, Connecticut until she’s offered a job as the head of programs and events at the spooky local library, complete with its own librarian ghost. Her first major event is a program presented by a retired homicide detective, Al Buckley, who claims he knows who murdered Laura Foster, a much-loved part-time library aide who was bludgeoned to death fifteen years earlier. As he invites members of the audience to share stories about Laura, he suddenly keels over and dies.

The medical examiner reveals that poison is what did him in and Carrie feels responsible for having surged forward with the program despite pushback from her director. Driven by guilt, Carrie’s determined to discover who murdered the detective, convinced it’s the same man who killed Laura all those years ago. Luckily for Carrie, she has a friendly, knowledgeable ghost by her side. But as she questions the shadows surrounding Laura’s case, disturbing secrets come to light and with each step Carrie takes, she gets closer to ending up like Al.

Now it’s due or die for Carrie in Death Overdue the delightful first in a new cozy series by Allison Brook.

Spells & Shelves – Library witch mysteries #1- Elle Adams

Bookshop assistant Aurora “Rory” Hawthorn thinks reality will never be as interesting as fiction. Content to spend her time escaping into a good book to escape her micromanaging boss, the very last thing she expects is to be cornered by a group of terrifying strangers hunting down a journal that belonged to her late father.It turns out Dad was keeping a secret or two… most importantly, that he was a wizard, and that Rory has a hidden magical family she’s never met.

When her witchy relatives invite her to live with them in their enchanted library, it’s literally a dream come true.Until she stumbles upon a dead body hidden behind a bookshelf.Juggling a new family and job would be enough of a challenge without also having to deal with a murder mystery, cranky familiars, and the attention of the local reaper — even if he is the hottest guy in town. It’s up to Rory to embrace her new witchy powers to help catch a killer before she loses the new life she never knew she wanted.

By book or by crook – A lighthouse Library Mystery #1 – Eva Gates

For ten years Lucy has enjoyed her job poring over rare tomes of literature for the Harvard Library, but she has not enjoyed the demands of her family’s social whorl or her sort-of-engagement to the staid son of her father’s law partner. But when her ten-year relationship implodes, Lucy realizes that the plot of her life is in need of a serious rewrite.

Calling on her aunt Ellen, Lucy hopes that a little fun in the Outer Banks sun—and some confections from her cousin Josie’s bakery—will help clear her head. But her retreat quickly turns into an unexpected opportunity when Aunt Ellen gets her involved in the lighthouse library tucked away on Bodie Island.

Lucy is thrilled to land a librarian job in her favorite place in the world. But when a priceless first edition Jane Austen novel is stolen and the chair of the library board is murdered, Lucy suddenly finds herself ensnared in a real-life mystery—and she’s not so sure there’s going to be a happy ending….

Voor wie het zich afvraagt … ik heb nog geen enkel boek van deze lijst gelezen. Er zitten echter wel enkele tussen die ik nog wil gaan lezen.

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