Lyrics about books …

lyricsaboutbooksDat resultaat krijg je wel eens wanneer een zanger of zangeres naast zingen ook van lezen houdt. Zo kwamen sommige nummers tot stand nadat een muzikant geïnspireerd werd door een specifiek boek. Al is dat niet persé overduidelijk vermits het boek in kwestie niet specifiek aan bod komt. Andere liedjes bevatten dan weer fragmenten waarin boeken een duidelijk rol spelen. Het ene al wat mooier als het andere …

Ik hou het bij een eenvoudig lijstje én ga slechts een ‘kleine’ selectie met jullie delen vermits boeken ook bij zangers heel populair lijken te zijn.

“The book of love is long and boring
No one can lift the damn thing
It’s full of charts and facts, some figures and instructions for dancing

But I,
I love it when you read to me.
And you,
You can read me anything.”
The Monotones, The Book of Love


“And you read your Emily Dickinson,
And I my Robert Frost,
And we note our place with bookmarkers.
That measure what we’ve lost.”
Simon and Garfunkel, Dangling Conversation


“Got to tell you ‘bout the book I read
Can’t wait to tell you ‘bout the book I read…

The book I read was in your eyes”
Talking Heads, Book I Read


“cradle for a cat, Wolfe looks back,
how many angels can you fit upon a match?
I want to know why Hemingway cracked,
sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

life is the crummiest book I ever read,
there isn’t a hook, just a lot of cheap shots,
pictures to shock and characters an amateur would never dream up”
Bad Religion, Stranger than fiction


“You can be Henry Miller
and I’ll be Anais Nin
except this time it’ll be even better
we’ll stay together in the end”
Jewel, Morning Song


“I like to go out dancing
My baby loves a bunch of authors
My heart’s so broke and bleedin’
Baby’s just sittin’ there doin’ some readin’

So I started watching some TV, played my new CD player too
She said “Turn it off or I’ll call the cops, and I’ll throw the book at you”
Moxy Fruvous, My Baby Loves A Bunch Of Authors


“I don’t understand why I sleep all day
And I start to complain that there’s no rain
And all I can do is read a book to stay awake
And it rips my life away, but it’s a great escape”
Blind melon, No Rain


“Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?
It took me years to write, will you take a look?
It’s based on a novel by a man named Lear
And I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer
Paperback writer”
The Beatles, Paperback Writer


“Then she opened up a book of poems
And handed it to me
Written by an Italian poet
From the thirteenth century
And every one of them words rang true and glowed like burnin’ coal
Pourin’ off of every page like it was written in my soul,
From me to you…”
Bob Dylan, Tangled Up in Blue


“I’ve got lots of books and my house stays warm in Winter,
so I don’t get out too much these days.”
Joy Kills Sorrow, Books


“It’s a little souvenir of a terrible year
That makes my eyes feel sore
And whoever would have thought the books that you bought
Were all I loved you for?”
Tin Tin Out, Here’s Where The Story Ends


“She’s writing, she’s writing,
She’s writing a novel.
She’s writing, she’s weaving,
Conceiving a plot.
It quickens, it thickens.
You can’t put it down now.
It takes you, it shakes you,
It makes you lose your thought.
But you’re caught in your own glory.
You are believing your own stories.
Writing your own headlines.
Ignoring your own deadlines.
But now you’ve gotta write them all again. “
Cake, Open Book


“Simple little bookworm, buried underneath
Is the sexiest librarian
Take off those glasses and let down your hair for me”
My Morning Jacket, Librarian


“And I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home
And I’ve written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones “
Engine Driver, the Decemberists

Echt waar! Dit is slechts een kleine selectie uit alle lyrics die ik tegenkwam toen ik deze blogpost samenstelde.

Welke hadden er volgens jullie nog moeten tussen staan?

6 gedachten over “Lyrics about books …”

  1. Je hebt altijd zulke originele onderwerpen! Ik moest meteen denken aan Rewritten van blogger Teske, daarin gaat het meerdere keren over boeken en lezen. Ze zingt onder andere ”I can tell you’ve lived by the marks on your skin, these are like the pages of a book” en even later ”And I want to read you like a book so let me take a look inside your little head ‘cause you don’t need to be rewritten.”

    1. Dankjewel Vivian! Dat vind ik echt een heel mooi compliment. De volledige lyrics van Rewritten ga ik toch is opzoeken want die twee fragmenten klinken alvast erg knap

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